Drug Addiction is rising high amongst youth in Buko

By | October 9, 2023

Drug addiction in Buko, a community in the Jaman North District of the Bono region is on ascendancy.

Mr. Isaac Sie, a community leaders and aspiring Assembly member for the area hinted in an interview with thefourlens.Com.

He explained with worry that drug abuse is becoming a normal lifestyle amongst the youth and basic school children including young girls in the Buko community.

According to Mr. Sie, his analysis indicated that “one (1) out of every 10 young people in the community is a drug addict”.

He observed the situation is a threat to the socioeconomic development and peace of the  area.

Mr. Sie said there is continues intake of “weed toffees” and other substances amongst basic school children, a situation woefully affecting academic performance in the Jaman North District.

The issues of rape, theft cases, robbery, recalcitrant behaviors, disrespect and social vices were now common in the area as a result of substance abuses, he stated.

Mr. Sie therefore appealed to parents not to turn death ears to the situation, but play their expected roles together with stakeholders and other opinion leaders in the District to bring the development threat behaviors under control.

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